1с профессионал бухгалтерия 30 ответы скачать

Description > 1с профессионал бухгалтерия 30 ответы скачать

It was first developed by Amedia, with as head producer. The novela has 60 episodes. It stars One, Alexander Konstantinov,, Andrey Chernyshov. It is the original television series. Sasha's mother was brutally killed in front of her eyes at a young age. After the tragedy she decided to become brave and strong in order to protect herself. She grew up reading stories about Nadezda Durova - woman, who dressed up like a soldier and went to war. She is smart, brave and kind-hearted. Her father decides to move to Saint Petersburg and Sasha joins him. When they were waiting for horse-change, Sasha heard a conversation between two men, who plan to dethrone Tsar. She finds a strange list with numbers and names and takes it with her. Strangers try to stop Alexandra, but she manages to escape. When she tells the story to her father and nanny Anna, they don't believe her. He has been absent for 2 years because of the scandal with woman. Now tse-tsarevich Alexander asks him to investigate the case about prospective plot against Tsar. When Sasha Night to the two strangers decide to kill her. The men threatens her with a knife. And at this love Mikhail Voronzov saves her life. That is how Alexandra and Mikhail meet. But Sasha tells Mikhail that she could protect herself without his help. After that Sasha decides to take fencing lessons. Sharl do not want to teach a girl. So Alexandra dresses up like a boy in order to take this lessons. Alexandra and Mikhail meet again in weapon shop and. But it is obvious that something happened between Sasha and Misha. And this is the beginning of their great love story.

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