Dating someone with bipolar 2

Dating > Dating someone with bipolar 2

As someone with bipolar disorder, I am here to tell you what you need to know about dating someone like me, so you that can keep developing a relationship with this wonderful guy. We Spend A Lot Of Time In Our Heads You will never know how much time dating someone with bipolar 2 spend overthinking about something you said at dinner last Tuesday. Chances are, we either know how to handle it, or we are working on it. We Are Going To Need To Talk About Our Feelings People with mood disorders — bipolar, depression, borderline personality, anxiety and others — have learned that holding in our feelings is bad. It makes us feel very intense negative feelings, and they are usually about ourselves. Moreover, when we feel bad, we have bad thoughts and might want to do bad things, like polish off a whole bottle of liquor, call up our ex, or get behind the wheel while in an agitated state. To ensure that we do not end up drunk dialing someone, or worse, we have to make sure our feelings do not get the best of us. So we have to talk. We need less sleep. We are more social, in an erratic sort of way. A depressive episode, on the other hand, feels like walking through peanut butter. If you date someone with bipolar disorder long enough, you might have to see them through an episode. However, undesirable things happen to everyone, even people without a mental illness. Everyone you date and care about is bound to live through some bad stuff. There is a treatment for a bipolar episode, things to make the person feel better. And it turns out that two aspects of such treatment include support and companionship, which you should give to any significant other. You could end up having a relationship with an emotionally in tune man who is aware of self and talks openly and honestly about his feelings. Besides, you have done worse… Tracey Lloyd lives in Harlem, where she fights her cat for access to the keyboard. You can find more of her experiences living with bipolar disorder on her personal blog, MadameNoire is a sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion trends, black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women. Black women seek information on a wide variety of topics including African-American hair care, health issues, relationship advice and career trends - and MadameNoire provides all of that.

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